Netcompany - Intrasoft Virtual Career Event

Ημερομηνία Δημοσίευσης:

Netcompany - Intrasoft Virtual Career Event | University of the Peloponnese

(για φοιτητές που βρίσκονται στο 6ο ή μεγαλύτερο εξάμηνο σπουδών)

Date: March 30th, 202310.00–13:00

Virtual Event Platform: Zoom

Gearing up for March 30th, when we will have the chance to meet you online and give you a presentation about Netcompany -Intrasoft and acquaint you with our technical people, who will share their experience with you.

Session 1. Technical speeches

During the first session, our tech specialists will present their roles and the technologies they are involved in through an interactive session. Discussion topics include:

  • Business-system analysis in European institutions, Νίκος Παπαϊωάννου-Καρτελιάς, Principal Systems Analyst / Program Manager
  • What I wish I knew after graduation: The role of the entry level software engineer, Καζαντζίδου Σοφία, Junior Software Engineer
  • Quality assurance: A career path beyond coding after graduation, Απότσου Μαρουλιώ, Quality Assurance Consultant

Session 2. Interactive discussions

After the initial speeches, our Talent Acquisition Team will be waiting for you for a series of 1-to-1 sessions, in which you will be able to further discuss our career opportunities and your future endeavors.

Be enrolled and #BePartOfSomethingGreat! #NetcompanyIntrasoft

See you on Thursday, March 30th, from 10.00 until 13:00!

Meeting Link: Will be sent via email